Many businesses may constantly be adjusting their strategies in search of ways to keep up with their competitors. While in most cases, competition can be a healthy aspect of operations, there might be some instances in which the tactics used to pursue growth and success may prompt allegations of unfair competition. Various types of business practices may constitute unfair competition and companies in Minnesota who face such issues may have questions about what they can do to protect their interests.
Examples of unfair competition
There may be numerous types of unfair practices that could act to give a company an edge over competitors. False advertising remains one of the most common types of unfair practices and this may occur when companies make false claims about products and services to draw in consumers. Trade secret and trade dress infringement are two more examples of unlawful activities that may also constitute as types of unfair competition.
Allegations of unfair competition could also arise should companies stand accused of using bait-and-switch techniques. Selling products and services at prices that are well below cost is another type of unfair tactic. In some cases, claims of unfair competition may also arise if the party or parties involved stand accused of breaching restrictive covenants.
When claims of unfair competition arise
Business disputes involving claims of unfair competition can be hotly contested disputes and companies that face such issues might be uncertain of the best course of action to take to safeguard their endeavors. Fortunately, some attorneys can examine the situation and provide a company with insight on all its available options. An attorney can help a client in Minnesota understand what to expect from the process and assist in preparing to pursue the best outcome possible regarding the company’s future through the proper outlets.